Adjustable Office Furniture

Adjustable Office Furniture

Adjustable Office Furniture

” Adjustable Office Furniture “

We have three office furniture chairs in our home, and they are all used since it is where we work. Recently, a friend was over who commented on the comfort of one of our chairs. He said his wasn’t bad, but that he really liked this chair. Later, my husband wondered if he was hoping for a swap and I just laughed. I told my husband that I had sat in this friends’ chair, and that it was terrible! It almost threw me backwards. Now, that chair that he liked is the one the kids use, and is not a very expensive chair, but it is ergonomic so it offers some great adjustability.

This got me thinking, I also have an adjustable, ergonomic chair, but I have no idea how to adjust it. I sit in it every day, it feels fine and I figure it must be ok because I do not have any back issues after a long day. However, I know that there must be things that I can do to make my chair better suited for me. So I did a bit of research, and this is what I discovered. The first and main adjustment, which is available on all office furniture chairs, is the height. Your chair should be adjusted so that your feet rest flat on the floor, or comfortably on a footrest if you happen to be a bit shorter than average.

I read that the best position for the seat should be such that your thighs are pointing slightly downwards. If you feel like you are being tipped out of your chair, then it is too much. The angle between your legs and hips should be just over 90 degrees. You have to remember that everybody needs their chair adjusted differently to fit them. I am content with the angle of my seat, but my spouse has that “being tipped out of the chair” feeling when he sits in it. So it is a good thing that he has his own chair!

Article Source: EzineArticles

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Category: Adjustable Office Furniture

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