Turn Closet Into Office

Turn Closet Into Office

Turn Closet Into Office

” Turn Closet Into Office “

Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese art that is increasingly popular in the Western world. Based on the ancient Chinese philosophy, everyone can increase and enhance the positive energy (chi) in all aspects of life, including health, prosperity, wealth, harmony and success.

When it comes to office Feng Shui, there are some tips that can help achieve a more positive energy in your work space. One of the main areas that you can improve is using the right colors. The proper colors will make sure that you will feel more secure in your workplace. Colors such as reds, blues, greens and various shades of purples can easily achieve this. Of course you don’t have to turn your entire office into any of these colors, you simply need to accentuate your existing ambient with some of them. For example if you add green to your office, you might foster your own creativity and be more connected to the natural aspects of life.

Also as in any areas of life, clutter is no good. Feng Shui holds the same view, so make sure that your office is not cluttered with unneeded items, furniture and office accessories. This tends to easily stimulate the negative energy, so by cleaning up your clutter, you will feel much lighter and more positive, ready to give all your energy and creativity to performing best at work.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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