Pantry Cabinets

Pantry Cabinets

Pantry Cabinets

” Pantry Cabinets “

Have you ever needed extra storage space for your canned or boxed foods? Does it seem like your house just does not have enough cabinet space? Well not there is a simple and quick solution to your problem! With pantry cabinets you will have all of the space that you could ever need to store your food.

Pantry cabinets have been around since the medieval times, and as history has shown, was used to house and store food. Pantries in the medieval times however were nothing like the ones that we use today. Back then a pantry was an entire room, though separate from the kitchen, which was used to store food and for various other service functions. That’s right, for almost as long as one could imagine, pantries have been used by people for storing everything from food to ammunition.

A person responsible for taking care of a pantry in the medieval times was often referred to as a pantler. This person was generally the head of the office, meaning that they were left in charge of keeping track of what was stocked and stored in these pantries as well as keeping track on what was used. There were also rooms used specifically for storing bacon and other meats, alcoholic beverages.

A butler’s pantry, which is also known as a serving pantry, is usually a utility room located adjacent to a kitchen or a wine cellar, which has tables, sinks, and counters. These types of pantries may, or may not be used for food storage. These rooms were most commonly used for cleaning and counting silver.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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