Paper Shredder

Paper Shredder

Paper Shredder

” Paper Shredder “

Identity theft is unfortunately becoming increasingly common. Thieves can get personal information about you, steal your identity and generally create havoc in your life by signing up for credit cards etc… in your name. One way they do this is by taking your details from documents your throw out in the garbage. It has therefore become essential to destroy any documents containing personal information that you intended putting in the garbage. If you are unable to burn your documents or if you simply have too many to make that a sensible option then you really ought to buy a paper shredder.

A paper shredder is a mechanical device that cuts paper into thin strips or small pieces. To protect your identity from theft by so-called dumpster divers you need to shred or destroy all bills, tax documents, credit card statements, bank statements, etc… Bear in mind too that documents you dump in the garbage can end up in foreign countries, as your municipal waste disposal service decides to dump them in countries in Africa rather than in the local waste dump or incinerator. Yes, they do do this.

TV documentaries have shown waste being transported half way around the world to be dumped in landfill sites in places like Nigeria, where local people can then sift through the rubbish and get your personal information.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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