


” Shredders “

Shredders play an indispensable role in many applications including manufacturing, recycling, solid waste reduction, security, wastewater treatment, oil and gas production, the transportation and production of biosolids, and more. Shredding offers a multitude of benefits in addition to the most obvious – size reduction. Shredders are used for processing materials used for producing a product or fuel, protecting business intelligence by destroying confidential product or documents, recycling of product or waste and shredding solids to ensure that other equipment or processes run smoothly. Corporations, government agencies and municipalities all employ shredders.


Some industrial applications for reducing solids include the destruction of foods, pharmaceuticals, rubber, pallets, steel and plastic drums, furniture, construction debris, tires, containers, corrugated boxes, packaging, labels, and other bulky materials. Industrial shredders are also used for the destruction of documents, x-rays, media such as hard drives and other electronics to protect the privacy of individuals and corporate information.

Municipal applications include recycling centers and smaller shredders with multiple cutting teeth for finer reduction for use in wastewater treatment plants. The recycling industry has found many uses for shredders such as shredding tires for the recovery of rubber. This recycled rubber is found in many applications and products including hot melt asphalt, basketball courts, playgrounds, and shoe products. The rubber is also used in civil engineering practices for the sub-grade insulation of roads, backfilling, and for fuel as “Tire Derived Fuel”. Scrap wood is shredded for recycling and used for the manufacture of many types of wood products such as particle board and paper. Plastic bottles are recycled into PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic chips for the production of new bottles. Recycling or reusing all of these products through shredding reduces waste in the environment, increases corporate profitability, and reduces carbon emissions.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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