Archive for July 11th, 2011

Paper Office

Paper Office

Paper Office

” Paper Office “

In business sectors, lot of papers piles up, and they need a place to dump it, so sometimes they’ll dump it in the garbage cans, and even in our landfills. And because of that, lots of money is being wasted. Many companies seek and research solutions and programs to stop or reduce office paper wastes. They implemented office paper recycling which play an important role in preserving natural resources and even saving the Mother Earth.

The following are some office paper recycling tips on how to get started

1. Recycle one kind of paper. Office papers can be recycled into other writing papers. Companies required their employees to choose one kind of paper (e.g., plain white copy paper or colored copy paper), that they usually used. Then proceed on how to recycle each kind.

2. Base from the source. Every employee will be provided with small recycling bin to keep at their desk where they can drop waste papers for the entire duration of work. And large recycling bins to be placed around the working area so that they could easily empty their respective bins while somebody gathers the collected papers on the said larger bins for recycling.

3. Collect form the source. Provide bins near printing or photocopy machines where misprints can be placed for recycling. Instead of throwing papers in garbage can, setting up bins will provide the employees with the opportunity to contribute in office paper recycling program.

4. Get people excited. Encouraging people to recycle is such an exciting way to do your part in preserving the environment. Employees will gather through meetings, breaks and even watching movies so that they could share ideas on how to recycle the papers that they have collected to contribute about the environment. They may recycle papers by converting into new, reusable paper products such as small gifts or small souvenirs like imprinted pens and key chains. In this way, employees will be reminded to participate in office paper recycling program.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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Category: Paper Office

Office Computer

Office Computer

Office Computer

” Office Computer “

Almost all offices today make use of computers in one capacity or another. In some offices, each employee uses a computer in his or her cubicle, while in other offices a couple central computers are shared by all when needed. If you are looking to purchase computers for your office, take some time to think about this purchase beforehand so you end up with a product that suits your company’s needs and is functional.

Before searching for a computer model, there are a few things you must take into consideration. The use of computers by office employees has recently come under scrutiny for health reasons. Those who spend significant amounts of time on the computer have been shown to develop chronic, overuse conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and eye strain. In most office environments, the use of computers cannot be avoided, but it is to the employer’s advantage to take precautions to prevent these problems from developing. Doing so will lessen the number of workman’s compensation claims, the use of employer provided assistance insurance claims filed and days missed or spent unproductively at work. Encourage your employees to get up and stretch their arms, hands, backs and shoulders periodically and to take some time out every hour to exercise their eyes to reduce eye strain. Having said all this, a better way to solve this problem is to invest in ergonomically built computers for your office. Computers that are built ergonomically will include features that are functional and comfortable so as to reduce these types of injuries and conditions. The desktop itself is rarely any different if designed ergonomically, but the change in keyboards and computer mice can significantly help.

One of the most important things you can do when considering a computer model to use in the office is to do your research and read reviews by other customers as well as information about warranties. Some companies have better reputations than others, and you will want to familiarize yourself with potential problems experienced by other users.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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Category: Office Computer

Business Machines

Business Machines

Business Machines

” Business Machines “

Although the recession is just about over, that doesn’t mean it’s time to start throwing money around, especially when it comes to document finishing. This can be one of the biggest costs a business faces in addition to employee salaries and benefits, rent, and keeping the lights on. But did you know that you can save a lot of money by using Fellowes business machines for your document finishing needs? It’s true. When you use a Fellowes laminator or binding machine instead of having your work sent to an off-site copy shop, you can save a lot of money over time. Let us take a look at how this is possible.


Lamination is a great way to really call attention to your important documents. It can also protect them from a variety of disasters, including rips and spills. If you run a small office, you’ll probably find that if you send 500 documents to an off-site copy shop for lamination you’re going to be spending almost $800.00, which is quite a bit of money. However, if you invest in a small office laminator like the Fellowes Saturn SL-125, your overall cost will be much lower. If you spend just over $450.00, not only will you get the machine itself, you’ll still be able to end up with 500 laminated items.

The savings are even greater if you need to laminate more documents. If your large office needs to protect 1,500 items, you’re looking at spending over $2,300.00 for off-site lamination. But if you invest in the Venus VL-125, you will spend just a bit over $1,100.00. And when you consider that a Fellowes laminator can be used for many years, the savings are even greater.

Plastic Comb Binding

Plastic comb binding has been around for years, but it’s still one of the most popular ways to produce a professional-looking document. It can also be a cost-effective binding method, so long as you have the right equipment. The Fellowes Pulsar is one such comb binding device. If you purchase this machine and bind 200 booklets with it, you total cost will be slightly over $400.00. However, if you send your booklets to be put together by another company, you’re likely to pay about $700.00. That’s more than $300.00 more – and that’s just for 200 books. When you bind more books on your own, the savings are incredible.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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Category: Business Machines