


” Shredder “

So you’ve finally settled on a shredder for your office, and you are wondering what else you might need to go along with it? Here are a few necessary accessories that will keep your shredder running like new, and will make normal maintenance a breeze.

Oil or Oil Sheets

If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a million times: shredders need to be oiled. Oiling is a necessary part of shredder maintenance that keeps the machine’s cutting heads clean and free of collected debris, as well as just enabling overall lubrication of the cutting mechanism.

While most manufacturers do a good job of informing their customers of this fact, it is surprising the number of users who remain unaware. One common recommendation is that your shredder be oiled every time the bin is emptied, and that seems to be a fairly reasonable maintenance schedule (though you should do what your manufacturer recommends).

So how do you oil your shredder? Well, there are a couple of different ways. First of all, of course you are going to have to locate and purchase whatever type of shredder oil recommended by the maker of your machine. After having done so, the the most simple and common method of oiling your shredder is to take a normal sheet of paper and squirt a Z pattern of oil onto it. Then just run the paper through the shredder as you would any other sheet of paper.

If you like (and if your manufacturer recommends) you can also run your shredder in reverse for a minute or so to further clean out the cutting heads and insinuate the oil into the mechanism.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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