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” Organizers “

More and more consumers worldwide are demanding organically grown tea and other food products, and their cry for going “green” is being heard and heeded. Both large tea estates, and small artisanal farms, are turning to organically grown standards for growing their tea.

The rules governing organic tea are tightly controlled, and as with most government rules and regulations, can be quite cumbersome. In short, organic tea is defined as tea that must be grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbacides. The crop must rely solely on natural organic matter, such as dung, compost, and plants and trees, which provide necessary nutrients and ground cover.

It needs to be pointed out, that just because a tea is not officially certified as organically grown, it shouldn’t be automatically assumed that it contains unhealthy chemicals and ingredients.

Even though the current rules under which organic tea is grown only date back around ten years, many health conscious tea farmers and estates have grown chemical and pesticide-free tea crops for centuries.

Following age-old agricultural methods and principles passed down by their ancestors and their ancestor’s ancestors, and using secret methods and traditions kept under wraps for centuries, known only by the grower, they have turned out healthy, organically grown tea crops in much the same way as they have for centuries. Held to their own code of ethics, these health conscious growers offer teas that not only benefit the consumer, but also the land, air, and water, doing their part to help protect our planet.

Article Source: EzineArticles