Formica cabinets are very common for office use. Thanks to this, there is a huge variety of models in different sizes and finishes with practical and unique to the organization’s day-to-day office functions.
The Formica is a kind of melamine (a type of plastic), made by an industrial process that presses the plates Formica with a resin finish. This finish can use a standard fantasy – which is the imitation of other materials.
Therefore, the Formica parts can mimic wood, granite, marble, metals, among others. Parts made of formica can also be colored, which allows better stylize the office decor while you are practical, durable and having easy maintenance and cleaning.
Because they are made of Formica, cabinets and counter tops for office that are are much more affordable than if made with unique materials. Formica cabinets are great for office as well as being very resistant to scratches and everyday use, hardly having problems with heat or moisture.
Time to clean your closet Formica, nothing to change the routine of the office: use a soft cloth or sponge and only a small amount of mild soap. Which can cause allergies in the corporate environment – no product heavier cleaning is necessary. Use a damp cloth is sufficient to clean the countertop daily.